CALIOP aerosol extinction profiles from Koffi et al. [2012] Four sets of ASCII files are provided: ------------------------------------- = Nighttime all sky CALIOP version 2 (YYYY=2007,2008,2009) = Nighttime all sky CALIOP version 3 (= the ones used for the model evaluation) EC5503D_AER_an2007_SSS_REG_PROFILE_ = 24h all sky CALIOP version 3 = Nighttime cloudfree CALIOP version 3 “SSS” is the season (DJF, MAM, JJA, SON, ANNUAL) “REG” is one of the 13 following regions: Coordinates: [30., 50., -100., -70.] for'EUS' [36., 55., -70., -30.], for 'NAT' [36., 60., -10., 50.], for 'WEU' [5., 30., 65., 90.], for'IND' [20., 45., 100., 125.], for 'ECN' [30., 55., 125., 160.], for'NWP' [30., 45., 70., 100.], for 'WCN' [15., 35., -18., 60.], for'NAF' [0., 15., -18., 60.], for 'CAF’ [5., 35., -55., -18.], for 'CAT' [-25.,0., 0., 45.], for 'SAF' [-25., 0., -75., -40.], for 'SAM' [-20., 15., 95.,140.]] for 'SEA' The EC5503D_AER*PROFILE*.txt file consist in 10 columns: (5. and 6. = Profiles and Observations used for the model evaluation). 1. Altitude (km) 2. EC532_AER (km-1)= extinction for the raw data 3. N_AER = N. of CALIOP observations for the raw data 4. NLayer = N. of aerosol layers for the raw data 5. EC532_AER_filt (km-1) = extinction after all screenings and cloud mask 6. N_AER_filt = N. of CALIOP observations after all screenings and cloud mask 7. NLayer = N. of aerosol layers for the screened data 8. to 10. = the same than 5. to 7. but for clouds (not used/not checked). Format='(F8.3,E10.3,2(I8),E10.3,2(I8),E10.3,2(I8))' Reference: ---------- Koffi, B., M. Schulz, F.-M. Bréon, J. Griesfeller, D. Winker, Y. Balkanski, S. Bauer, T. Berntsen, M. Chin, W. D. Collins, F. Dentener, T. Diehl, R. Easter, S. Ghan, P. Ginoux, S. Gong, L. W. Horowitz, T. Iversen, A. Kirkevåg, D. Koch, M. Krol, G. Myhre, P. Stier, and T. Takemura, Application of the CALIOP layer product to evaluate the vertical distribution of aerosols estimated by global models: AeroCom phase I results, J. Geophys. Res., 117, D10201, doi:10.1029/2011JD016858. Contact:;