AEROCOM workshop

(held at Seattle WA, USA Sep 10-13, 2012)

This document contains presentations of the AEROCOM workshop at Seattle in September 2012. Contributions are bundled by topics:


  1. The PROGRAM outlines the program
  2. The KEY_TALK section contains the key note address by Bob Charlson
  3. The GENERAL section summaries AeroCom activities


  1. The monday section contains presentations on Monday Sep.10
  2. The tuesday section contains presentations on Tuesday Sep.11
  3. The wednesday section contains presentations on Wednesday Sep.12
  4. The thursday section contains presentations on Thursday Sep.13


  1. The POSTERS section contains summary slides of presented posters



  1. outlines the workshop schedule

KEY_TALK by Bob Charlson

  1. “a historic perspective” by B. Charlson (UW)
  2. GENERAL AeroCom activities: summaries by Michael Schulz

    1. workshop welcome by M. Schulz (MetNo)
    2. workshop summary & action items by M. Schulz (MetNo)


    1. Radiative forcing of the direct aerosol effect from AeroCom Phase II simulations presented by G.Myhre (CICERO, Oslo)
    2. Issues on simulating aerosol indirect effects presented by J.Penner (Uni Michigan, Ann Arbor)
    3. A simple model of global aerosol indirect forcing presented by S.Ghan (PNNL, Richland)
    4. Model intercomparisons of aerosol effects on liquid and mixed cloud phases presented by T.Storelvmo (Yale, New Haven)
    5. Evaluating aerosol indirect effects in climate models using COSP and satellite measurements presented by S.Bauer (NASA-GISS, New York)
    6. Observational constraints on aerosol indirect effects and controlling processes presented by R.Wood (Uni Washington, Seattle)
    7. Constraining cloud lifetime effects of aerosols in global climate models using A-Train satellite and ground observations presented by M.Wang (PNNL, Richland)
    8. Introduction to Collection 6 MODIS aerosol products presented by R.Levy (NASA-GSFC, Greenbelt)
    9. Preparations for robust model evaluation using integrated aerosol observations presented by C.Ichoku (NASA-GSFC, Greenbelt)
    10. Steps towards an EOS-Era Aerosol Type Climatology presented by R.Kahn (NASA-GSFC, Greenbelt)
    11. The southern Ocean AOD maximum: MISR, MAN, and AERONET perspectives presented by M.Witek (NASA-JPL, Pasadena)
    12. Black carbon aerosol vertical profiles repeatedly measured from the polar southern to the polar northern hemisphere presented by J.Schwarz (NOAA, Boulder)
    13. Comparisons of airborne HSRL and ECMWF Aerosol Profiles presented by R.Ferrare (NASA-LarC, Hampton)
    14. What CALIPSO data tell us about vertical distribution in modeling prepared by B.Koffi (LSCE, Paris)


    1. Aerosol decadal trends: In-situ measurements of number concentration and optical properties presented by J.Ogren (NOAA, Boulder)
    2. More than 10 years of SeaWiFS data reveal trends presented by C.Hsu (NASA-GSFC, Greenbelt)
    3. Multi-decadal variations of aerosols and possible impacts on surface radiation: Results from AeroCom II hindcast experiments and observations presented by M.Chin (NASA-GSFC, Greenbelt)
    4. Distributions and climate effects of atmospheric aerosols from 1850 to 2100 along Representative Concentration Pathways (RCPs) simulated by SPRINTARS presented by T.Takemura (Kyusho University, Kyuscho)
    5. Impact of aerosol scheme, meteorology, and emissions on model skill in AeroCom and CMIP5 aerosol simulations presented by N.Bellouin (Met-Office, Exeter)
    6. ACCMIP activities presented by D.Shindell (NASA-GISS, New York)

    ORAL PRESENTATIONS on wednesday

    1. Intercomparison of shortwave radiative transfer schemes in global aerosol modeling: Results from the AeroCom Radiative Transfer Experiment presented by C.Randles (NASA-GSFC, Greenbelt)
    2. Host model uncertainties in aerosol radiative forcing estimates: Results from the AeroCom Prescribed Intercomparison Study presented by P.Stier (Oxford Uni., Oxford)
    3. Global Distribution of Aerosol and Aerosol Forcing from CALIOP Observations presented by D.Winker (NASA-LarC, Hampton)
    4. Vertical profiles of aerosol radiative forcing - a comparison of AEROCOM phase 2 model submissions presented by B.Samset (CICERO, Norway)
    5. Radiative forcing of the direct aerosol effect from AeroCom Phase II simulations presented by G.Myhre (CICERO, Norway)
    6. Investigation of direct aerosol effect in cloud sky regions presented by G.Myhre (CICERO, Norway)
    7. Direct aerosol radiative forcing based on combined A-Train observations and comparisons to IPCC-2007 results presented by J.Redemann (NASA-Ames, Mountain View)
    8. Numerical issues associated with strongly compensating processes in climate models: an example from ECHAM-HAM presented by H.Wan (PNNL, Richland)
    9. Quantifying the sources of uncertainty in a global aerosol model presented by K.Carslaw (Leeds, Univ., Leeds)
    10. Aerosol water uptake in global aerosol models: dominant factors and their impacts on direct and indirect aerosol effect presented by K.Zhang (PNNL, Richland)
    11. Secondary Organic Aerosols in Global Modeling presented by D.Hegg (Univ. Washington, Seattle)
    12. Activities by the organics sub-group prepared by K.Tsigaridis (NASA-GISS, New York)
    13. An inter-comparison and evaluation of CCN and size distribution among AeroCom global aerosol models of a range of complexity presented by G.Mann (Leeds Univ, Leeds)
    14. Measurements to identify and constrain sources of ocean-derived CCN presented by P.Quinn (NOAA, Seattle)
    15. Inter-comparison of aerosol indirect effect on cirrus (ice) clouds under AeroCom presented by X.Liu (PNNL, Richland)
    16. Study of aerosol direct and first indirect radiative effects with GEOS-Chem-APM presented by F.Yu (NY State Univ Albany, Albany)

    ORAL PRESENTATIONS on thursday

    1. Black Carbon: The official SAG definition presented by J.Ogren (NOAA, Boulder)
    2. The Black Carbon Assessment Report presented by S.Doherty (Univ. Washington, Seattle)
    3. Comparing measurements with model derived Black Carbon and AAOD based upon AEROCOM, GFED, and Kalman Filter optimized BC emissions presented by J.Cohen (National Univ., Singapore)
    4. Radiative forcing of the direct aerosol effect from AeroCom Phase II simulations presented by G.Myhre (CICERO, Oslo)
    5. Radiative forcing of the direct aerosol effect from AeroCom Phase II simulations presented by G.Myhre (CICERO, Oslo)
    6. PM2.5 light absorbing carbon concentrations and filter-based light absorption measurements from major monitoring networks in the United States presented by J.Hand (CIRA, Ft.Collins)
    7. Modeling Black Carbon over different regions Asia and Europe: influence of the emission inventory, of the model horizontal and vertical resolution presented by Q.Liu (NCC, Beijing)
    8. Historic emissions presented by S.Kinne (MPI-Met, Hamburg)
    9. AeroCom emissions – a brief update presented by T.Diehl (NASA-GSFC, Greenbelt)
    10. Emission databases for dust  presented by Y.Balkanski (LSCE, Paris)
    11. Use of satellite-measured aerosol optical depth to constrain biomass burning emissions source strength in the GOCART model presented by M.Petrenko (NASA-GSFC, Greenbelt)

    summary slides for presented posters

    1. Simulations for the Geo-engineering Model Intercomparison Project presented by V.Aquila (NASA-GSFC, Greenbelt)
    2. Modeling the stratospheric aerosol with a chemistry climate model: the example of Mt. Pinatubo presented by V.Aquila (NASA-GSFC, Greenbelt)
    3. Impacts of carbonaceous aerosols in remote regions, 1850-2100 presented by S.Bauer (NASA-GISS, New York)
    4. The Role of Amines in Particle Formation and Growth in Global Model ECHAM5-SALSA presented by T.Bergman (FMI, Helsinki)
    5. Atmospheric nitrate constrained by measurements from ground stations and aircrafts and its impact on atmospheric chemistry and climate presented by H.Bian (NASA-GSFC, Greenbelt)
    6. Analysis of BC size distribution over Europe (Reddington et al.); Response of Arctic CCN to sea-ice loss (Browse et al.); Tropospheric volcanic aerosol and indirect forcing (Schmidt et al.) presented by K. Carslaw (Leeds, Univ., Leeds)
    7. AeroCom-model assessment of black carbon in Arctic snow and sea ice presented by C.Jiao (Univ Michigan, Ann-Arbor)
    8. The sensitivity of global/regional aerosol simulations to two AeroCom phase II emission inventories presented by T.Diehl (NASA-GSFC, Greenbelt)
    9. Different optical properties of dust depending on source location prepared by P.Ginoux (NOAA-GDFL, Princeton)
    10. Overview over the new AeroCom infrastructure in Norway presented by J.Griesfeller (Met-No, Oslo)
    11. A multi-model comparison of dust aerosols and associated processes over Northern Africa and North Atlantic Ocean presented by D.Kim (NASA-GSFC, Greenbelt)
    12. Climatology for aerosol radiative properties and applications presented by S.Kinne (MPI-MET, Hamburg)
    13. NorESM in CMIP5: selected results with emphasis on climate response presented by A.Kirkevag (Univ Oslo, Oslo)
    14. Anthropogenic emissions enhance biogenic SOA formation and its radiative cooling effect presented by G.Lin (Univ. Michigan, Ann Arbor)
    15. Effective aerosol optical depth from pyranometer measurements of global solar radiation at Thessaloniki presented by A.Lindfors (FMI, Helsinki)
    16. Regional Modeling over Europe using HadGEM3-R presented by S.Rumbold (Met-Office, Exeter)
    17. Comparison of CALIPSO aerosol optical depth retrievals to AERONET measurements, and a climatology for the lidar ratio of dust presented by G.Schuster (NASA-LarC, Hampton)
    18. Modeling of wet deposition process coupled with a double moment bulk cloud microphysics scheme presented by T.Seiki (CCSR, Tokyo)
    19. Retrieval of desert dust vertical distribution from hyperspectral thermal infrared measurements by IASI presented by S.Vandenbussche (BIRA, Bruxelles)
    20. Development of a new global black carbon emission inventory (PKU-BC), and the implication on modeling and impact on climate and health. presented by R.Wang (LSCE, Paris)