AEROCOM workshop

(held at Princeton, NJ, Oct 5-7, 2009)

This document contains presentations of the AEROCOM workshop at Princeton in October 2009. Contributions are bundled by topics:


  1. The WORKSHOP INFO outlines the program and catalogues the abstracts
  2. The OVERVIEW section contains presentations on overall status, future plans and future missions


  1. The emissions and experiments section contains presentations addressing aerosol emission data, including differences between IPCC-AR5 and AeroCom data, and impacts when applied in global modeling
  2. The working group activities section contains presentations summarizing activities in focused working groups, including summaries prepared for publications as well as concepts for future model-intercomparisons
  3. The absorption section contains presentations addressing issues and impacts associated with the absorption strength of aerosol and particular aerosol types
  4. The spatial distribution section contains presentations on data providing details on the spatial distributions of aerosols
  5. The vertical distribution section contains presentations on data providing details on vertical distributions of aerosols and its environment
  6. The microphysics section contains presentations on modeling aspects and impacts associated with aerosol microphysics
  7. The indirect effects section contains presentations on investigations associated with aerosol indirect effects



  1. outlines the workshop schedule
  2. summaries poster presentations by one slide
  3. lists the workshop abstracts


  1. AeroCom Phase II � are we doing smething wrong? presented by Michael Schulz (Laboratoire des Sciences du Climat et de l'Environnement)
  2. Aerosol-Cloud-Ecosystem Mission presented by Steven Ghan (Pacific Northwest National Laboratory)

emissions and experiments

  1. IPCC-AR5 emission choices presented by Brian Magi (Princeton University / NOAA GFDL)
  2. Comparison of two emission scenarios of BC, OC, and SO2, for the period 1980-2008 presented by Thomas Diehl (University Maryland Baltimore County / NASA GSFC)
  3. Estimation of Aerosol emission intensities through variational assimilation of aerosol optical depth presented by Nicolas Huneeus (Laboratoire des Sciences du Climat et de l'Environnement)
  4. Trend of aerosol radiative forcing during last several decades estimated with different emission inventories presented by Toshihiko Takemura (Kyushu University)
  5. Aerosol modeling in the new Norwegian earth system model, NorESM, and comparisons with results from CAM-Oslo used for AeroCom presented by Alf Kirkev�g (Norwegian Metetorological Institute)
  6. Evolution of aerosol effects on climate during the 20th century in the GISS Model presented by Dorothy Koch (Columbia University)

working group activities

  1. AEROCOM indirect effect intercomparison presented by Johannes Quaas (Max Planck Institute for Meteorology)
  2. First results from the �AeroCom prescribed� model/satellite intercomparison study presented by Philip Stier (Oxford University)
  3. The AeroCom A2-Trop/Arctic Experiment presented by Cynthia Randles (University of Maryland Baltimore County / NASA GSFC)
  4. Direct radiative forcing analysis presented by Gunnar Myrhe (Center for International Climate and Environmental Research, Oslo)
  5. Evaluation of recent model submissions with AeroCom tools presented by Michael Schulz (Laboratoire des Sciences du Climat et de l'Environnement )
  6. Laboratoire des Sciences du Climat et de l'Environnement presented by Graham Mann (University of Leeds)
  7. An AEROCOM Intercomparison Exercise in Organic Aerosol Modeling presented by Kostas Tsigaridis (NASA Goddard Institute for Space Studies)
  8. Spatial autocorrelations and ACCMIP presented by Drew Shindell (NASA Goddard Institute for Space Studies)


  1. Light absorption by pollution, dust, and biomass burning aerosols: A global model analysis and comparisons with AERONET data presented by Mian Chin (NASA Goddard Space Flight Center)
  2. Black Carbon and Climate Warming: An uncertainty estimate study taking into account microphysical processes presented by Susanne Bauer (Columbia University)

spatial distribution

  1. Decadal Trends in Aerosol Chemical Composition at Barrow, AK: 1976 � 2008 presented by Patricia Quinn (NOAA PMEL)
  2. Long-term records of dust transport over oceans presented by Joseph Prospero (University of Miami)
  3. Satellite Aerosol Air Mass Type Mapping, and Its Role in the Global Picture presented by Ralph Kahn (NASA Goddard Space Flight Center)
  4. Determining Aerosol Composition from the Spectral Dependence of Aerosol Absorption in the UV and Blue Wavelengths presented by Pawan K Bhartia (NASA Goddard Space Flight Center)
  5. Maritime Aerosol Network as a component of AERONET - current status presented by Alexander Smirnov (NASA Goddard Space Flight Center)
  6. The MODIS aerosol products: Evaluation, Aggregation, Trends and the Future presented by Rob Levy (NASA-Goddard Space Flight Center)

vertical distribution

  1. presented by ( )
  2. Status of CALIPSO aerosol data products and results of initial model intercomparisons presented by David Winker (NASA Langley Research Center)
  3. Global view of aerosol vertical distributions from CALIPSO lidar measurements and GOCART simulations: Regional and seasonal variations presented by Hongbin Yu (University of Maryland Baltimore County)
  4. Airborne High Spectral Resolution Lidar Aerosol Measurements and Comparisons with GEOS-5 Model presented by Richard Ferrare (NASA Langley Research Center)
  5. Seasonal Climatology of Vertical Profiles of Aerosol Optical Properties at Two Rural Locations in the U.S. presented by John Ogren (NOAA, Earth Systems Research Laboratory)
  6. Approaching 10 years of Systematic Aerosol Measurements in the FT and UT/LMS by the CARIBIC Passenger Aircraft presented by Carl Brenninkmeijer (Max Planck Institute for Chemistry)
  7. ARCTAS Data for Use in Model Analysis and Assessment presented by Gao Chen (NASA Langley Research Center)


  1. Chemistry and Microphysics of CCN Formation presented by Peter Adams (Carnegie-Mellon University)
  2. Insights into global sources of CCN presented by Joonas Merikanto (University of Leeds)
  3. Ice nucleation by mineral dust, soot, bacteria and pollen: GCM studies with new freezing parameterizations presented by Corinna Hoose (University of Oslo)
  4. Updates in the aerosol-climate model ECHAM5-HAM and their effects presented by Kai Zhang (Max Planck Institute for Meteorology)
  5. Simulation of atmospheric sulfate phase transitions in GEOS-chem model presented by Jun Wang (University of Nebraska)
  6. Indirect effect of aerosols produced by shipping: sensitivity to background concentrations presented by Yves Balkanski (Laboratoire des Sciences du Climat et de l'Environnement )

indirect effects

  1. Indirect effect in NCAR CAM: Sensitivity to aerosol-cloud prameterizations presented by X. Liu (Pacific Northwest National Laboratory)
  2. Cloud-aerosol interactions in ECHAM5-HAM: sensitivity studies presented by Sylvaine Ferrachat (ETH Zurich)
  3. Constraining Indirect Effects on Process Level presented by Yi Ming (NOAA Geophysical Fluid Dynamics Laboratory)
  4. Strategies for testing model parameterizations of aerosol-cloud interactions for global models presented by Eric Wilcox (NASA Goddard Space Flight Center)
  5. Aerosol and cloud interactions from combined satellite observations, back trajectory, and reanalysis data presented by Wenying Su (NASA Langley Research Center)
  6. Indirect effects of Aerosols inferred from GEOS4/5 GCM Simulations presented by P. Bhattacharjee (NASA Goddard Space Flight Center)